
September 9th, 2017

Saturday, September 9th, 2017 was a wet hike to Big Cedar & Kennedy falls. This hike is definitely a good one to do on a wet day as the weather doesn’t affect the views of the cedar tree or the waterfall. It just makes it a bit more slippery of a hike.

To get to the hike you need to go up Mountain Hwy in North Vancouver to the Fromme Mountain parking lot. You will notice a lot of Mountain bikers up here as there are many mountain biking trails up this way. The parking lot says 3 hour parking however, people around us had said the parking is not monitored much so we took our chances and parked here even though we knew we would be longer than 3 hours (no one’s car was ticketed and there were 3 of us with vehicles but of course park at your own risk here).


Once you park, walk up the road towards the outhouses. Take the large gravel trail past the outhouses through the gate (where some mountain bikers are likely headed). Keep walking for about 10 minutes until you see a sign for Cedar Tree Trail on the right. You will walk for a short bit and the trail will split to a mountain biking trail on the left and the Cedar Tree Trail hiking trail on the right. Continue on the hiking trail. The markers from there one are very good and it’d be hard to get lost.


Go through this gate to get to the trailhead.

Only about 20 minutes in you will approach the big cedar tree. We were confused and later had to ask hikers if we had found it as we were expecting it to be both wide and tall. It is really wide but not too tall, it kind of looks like a giant mushroom with 3 trees growing from it. Still pretty cool! We just had something else in mind at first haha.

21730833_2019014131678328_4562955971132201281_nBig Cedar stump/mushroom/tree?


You will end at Kennedy falls about an hour and a little bit from the Cedar Tree (about 1 hour 45 minutes from the start of the trail).

We were happy to find dry areas under the big rocks to sit at while eating lunch as the rain was pouring pretty much our entire hike. (We definitely needed that rain though as we had a very dry summer)

The hike itself is not too challenging. There are some steep areas but for the most part it’s fairly level but the trail is pretty rugged so you can expect to walk on a lot of tree roots, loose rocks and small creeks. So definitely wear some good Hiking boots.

We left at 9:10am and returned at 1:30pm this time includes our lunch break and hanging at the waterfall (walking at a moderate pace).

Once again a great group of people to hike with!
This trail is dog friendly and good for older children.